Unlawful Use of a Vehicle in Michigan
The penalties for crimes involving the unauthorized use of a vehicle can be harsh. Often generically called "joyriding", these crimes can create serious consequences if convicted. It is important to speak to an experienced Michigan unlawful use of vehicle attorney about your rights and how to protect your future.
At Willis Law, we defend against all "joyriding" related charges in West Michigan. We have a reputation for being strong advocates for our clients and making sure they understand all of their rights and obligations in the criminal defense process.
Don't let a misunderstanding result in a criminal record that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
An Experienced, Aggressive Defense Against Unlawful Use
A conviction for unlawful use of a vehicle could result in a two-year prison sentence and probation lasting as many as five years. While the penalties are not as serious as they are for the unlawful driving away of an automobile (UDAA), it is important to have an attorney on your side who is capable of defeating each element of the prosecution's case against you to protect your rights.
Specifically, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the vehicle in question belonged to someone else, that you actually used the vehicle, you did not have the owner's authority to use the vehicle, and that you used the vehicle while knowing you lacked the proper authority.
Contact Willis Law
If you have been charged with unlawful use of a vehicle, it is in your best interest to speak to a Kalamazoo defense lawyer about your legal options.
Contact us today at (888) 461-7744 for a free initial consultation. We have office locations in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Paw Paw.
Meet Your Legal Team
Helping You Achieve the Best Possible Outcome
Michael Willis J.D., C.P.A. Director and Co-Founder
Shaun Willis J.D. Director and Co-Founder
Frank Willis J.D. Chief Senior Counsel
Donald Smith, J.D. Attorney/Partner
Mariko Willis, J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Samuel Gilbertson J.D. Managing Partner
Davis Martin, J.D. Counsel
Paul Morgan, J.D. Senior Counsel Attorney
Chico Obande J.D. Attorney
Jennifer Grahek, J.D. Attorney
Aric Kasel, J.D. Attorney
Cody Hayward, J.D. Attorney
Austin Beaudet Attorney
Adam Bancroft, J.D. Counsel
Verelle Kirkwood J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Kristyn Meulenberg J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Nicholas Vogelzang Of Counsel Asbestos Litigation Attorney
Wally Ferrara Operations Manager
Robin Vleugel Receptionist
Michele Guyman Paralegal
Clare Zemlick Legal Assistant
Brian Thompson Paralegal
Angela Doster
Patty Stickels Legal Assistant
Kay Davidson Legal Assistant
Savannah Thompson Legal Assistant
Justin Bohnett Paralegal
Robert Wilson Chief Financial Officer
Mark Zigterman Accountant
Margarita Jensen Intake Coordinator
Patrick Willis Courier
Andrew Rann Courier
Rylan Smith Courier
Chris Willis Courier
Christian Willis Courier